PIAM for the Life Sciences Industry.

Life sciences companies operate in some of the most highly regulated environments in the world. They also process highly sensitive information, research IP, hazardous materials, highly controlled drug product and biological hazards. Any breach or lapse in security governance, risk and compliance can be disastrous with loss of life, contracts, and revenue, negative public perception, legal implications and even an impact of share value.

The Alert Enterprise solution.

Alert Enterprise Guardian delivers a GEN AI powered enterprise-wide security, governance, compliance, policy enforcement, automation and workforce management to the Life sciences industry in a single platform taking your global physical identity & access management program to the next level. Whether it’s R&D, the production floor, QA/QC , clean rooms or beyond, Guardian has got you covered.

It’s an AI-powered platform for physical identity and access management, is used by numerous Fortune 500 companies worldwide. Here’s why customers select Guardian:

  • Highly flexible platform to digitally transform the entire hire to retire life cycle for employees, contractors andvisitors deeply integrated with your existing physical access control systems and extended eco system relating to workplace access
  • Automate governance, risk and compliance relating to your physical identity & access management program
  • Powerful insights driven on AI & Machine Learning
  • Tools to aid compliance and automation of controls for GMP, FDA, CFR, EMA, ISO, GDPR, NIST, UK GOV DCA
  • Elevated critical business processes around identity and access management/governance in an integrated solution
  • Implement a single solution for cross-platform provisioning of access with converged physical and logical systems


The following are the most common challenges faced by life sciences institutions:

  • Lacking an automated & dynamic process for hire to retire identity life cycle management for physical access
  • Minimal automation & integration with physical access control systems like Genetec, C-Cure 9000, Lenel, etc.
  • Initial onboarding processes, time to be productive
  • The area access request process is manual and siloed
  • Lacking dynamic workflows, tooling & approval processes
  • Lacking in native web app, mobile apps and plugins for other platforms like ServiceNow to maximize user adoption
  • Lacking ability to apply policy in real-time for physical access
  • Lacking ability to automatically detect nonconformities with SOPs, policies, regulations, SOD violations, etc
  • Lacking real-time threat profile for active identities/users to perform insider threat detection
  • Lacking a dynamic visitor identity & access management process seamlessly integrated with physical identity & access management program
  • Failing to achieve a frictionless workplace access experience, looking to go mobile NFC-based access

Workforce access automation

Alert Enterprise Guardian with GEN AI at its core provides a frictionless workplace access experience, that is safe, secure and compliant.
Here are sample use case scenarios that Guardian solves out-of-the-box:

Real-time integration of Guardian with leading HR systems and data lakes allows Supervisors/HR or Security Administrators to trigger a new Identity creation process (as part of onboarding) and auto-provisioning of access levels based on their role, location and access policies.

Similarly, the HR/Admins can initiate a “User Termination” workflow as part of the employee offboarding process. This triggers automated removal of identities and access levels across all connected systems.

Guardian integrates across various enterprise applications, physical facilities and critical assets including leading platforms like Genetec, Lenel, C-Cure 9000, Honeywell, AMAG, etc. This empowers the system users and managers to view/request access for themselves or others in the organization, and audit if the same access was granted via an established standard. 

Admins/Users can create a new request (via a self-service portal) to add/remove specific access, either for themselves or others. These requests are sent for single or multi-step approval and auto-provisioning (once approved) based on the security needs. Contractor user access review is performed on a quarterly basis or as required by compliance. Guardian can be configured to deactivate a badge after a configurable number of days of inactivity.

The Guardian platform provides Asset Inventory Management for various asset types like metal keys, gate openers or other high valued assets, that can be assigned to individual employees.

The self-service portal (with SSO/AD) is fully capable of requesting assets, and the necessary approval process can be configured to record approvals and the chain-of-custody, end-to-end lifecycle of these assets.

Multiple compliance standards require both physical and logical access to be reviewed every 90 days. Alert Enterprise Guardian is capable of generating reports required for periodic reviews (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) and ad-hoc reviews consisting of identities that are active, inactive and pending for approval, training, etc.

Guardian integrates with other IT, HR, Cybersecurity, Learning Management and Ticket Management systems to generate reports that provide a unified view of threats across the enterprise, and deploy rules-based solutions to prevent malicious acts, sabotage, terrorism and cyber threats.

Guardian tracks employees’ requests to access a new facility or area for themselves or another person, which enables the security personnel to correlate staff entry into sensitive locations with business reasons and prior access patterns.

AI-powered anomaly detection, like a badge swipe at off-shift hours, piggybacking and multiple access denied attempts, can be enabled for critical resources to reduce the risk from insiders. By enabling convergence between physical and logical security systems, the solution can gather and provide security intelligence from a number of sources and systems.

The AI policy engine also helps in detecting noise/duplicate alarms and provides only the qualified alarms for security teams to address. The alarm response dashboard can be an external application like ServiceNow, Splunk or others. The connector framework will help push these qualified alarms to any system.

Alert Enterprise Guardian delivers GEN AI powered enterprise-wide security, governance, compliance, policy enforcement, automation and workforce management to the Life Sciences industry in a single platform taking your global physical security identity & access management program to the next level. Whether its R&D, the production floor, QA/QC, cleanrooms and beyond, Guardian has
got you covered.

Similar governance can be performed on a need basis for contractors or temporary employees, with automatic alerts sent when there is a change in status for individuals, the ability to track the approvals and revocations.

For access requests and approvals, Guardian automatically checks security policies and documents compliance with requirements that verify who approved access to which facilities and for what duration of time. It also enforces the Segregation of Duties (SOD) which avoids access requests being self-approved.

Guardian connects with multiple Physical Access Control Systems (PACS) to manage physical access to critical facilities – from one place. It takes the guesswork out of approving access to physical locations or applications based on specific roles within the organization.

This enables the security staff to remove physical access to systems and facilities with a single click and invoke mitigating controls like additional video surveillance or proximity tracking.

Visitor management system

Alert Enterprise Visitor Management System provides Corporate Security with enhanced control of visitor access and enforces security standards. All of the platform features related to workflow, notification, compliance and PACS integration are available for visitor scenarios as well.

Following are the common use cases which are available out-of-the-box:

The VMS can be deployed as a Kiosk (self-service) or Lobby (managed service) setup. The visitor registration process can be streamlined by providing a pre-registration workflow and enhanced by integrating with local or federal banned lists. 

Access points are managed and locations are secured in a granular manner using a centralized management process. The solution provides front desk and security teams with streamlined, robust and secure processes for validating a visitor’s identity.

The Visitor Management System maintains logs that report on who visited a facility, who approved their visit, how long they stayed and which areas within the facility visitors were allowed to access. This provides the ability to conduct an audit and enhance search capabilities.

VMS enforces strict compliance standards when the visitor is requesting access to critical facilities. The access request form lists the expected time to check out as a mandatory field. 

The solution triggers escalation emails when the visitor is not checked out after a certain number of hours (configurable). If the visitor is not checked out after 24 hours (configurable), VMS triggers an email to ESOC.

Upon visitor registration, VMS performs an automated background check, using the visitor’s ID or driver’s license information, against a set of watch lists (BOLO, do-notenter, etc.). escalation emails when the visitor is not checked out after a certain number of hours (configurable). If the visitor is not checked out after 24 hours (configurable), VMS triggers an email to ESOC.

The VMS solution provides a single interface for accurately identifying all the visitors in a facility and notifying them in-case of an emergency. This offers a holistic view of building occupancy at any given time.

How Alert Enterprise Leverages Technology So Life Sciences Organizations Can Maintain Continuous Compliance.

  • Extends access management and risk analysis beyond IT applications to include physical access control systems
  • Creates a unified access and reporting mechanism across applications in all domains (IT, Physical Access Control Systems, SCADA)
  • Establishes an all-encompassing strategy for onboarding/offboarding related to access management, managing contractor access as well as validation of certification and background checks
  • Offers holistic business alignment for security risk and compliance posture alignment

Let’s chat.

We have a habit of adding to this list – so let’s connect to see how we can meet your integration needs.

David Cassady

Director de estrategia

David Cassady lleva más de 30 años vendiendo y dirigiendo equipos en Silicon Valley. Durante ese tiempo, ha dirigido una mezcla de empresas de software ya establecidas y startups. Cassady también ha participado en cinco OPIs, y al menos en otras tantas adquisiciones. 

Como director de estrategia, David aprovecha su amplia experiencia ayudando a las empresas de software a impulsar el crecimiento a través de profundas e impactantes asociaciones con los proveedores de SaaS más exitosos del mundo, como ServiceNow, Microsoft y SAP. 

Mark Weatherford

Director de seguridad
Vicepresidente sénior, Regulated Industries

Mark Weatherford aporta a Alert Enterprise años de experiencia en el ámbito de la ciberfísica de alto nivel y, como director de seguridad (CSO), dirige la estrategia de gestión y protección de datos, asesorando las políticas y procedimientos de seguridad ciberfísica dentro de la empresa. Weatherford también trabaja en colaboración con empresas y profesionales ejecutivos de los sectores de la ciberseguridad y la seguridad física para acelerar aún más la adopción de la convergencia de la seguridad.

Mark ha ocupado numerosos cargos de alto nivel centrados en la ciberseguridad, entre los que se incluyen el de vicepresidente y director de seguridad de la Corporación Norteamericana de Fiabilidad Eléctrica (NERC), el de primer subsecretario adjunto de ciberseguridad del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional bajo la administración Obama, el de primer director de seguridad de California y el de primer CISO del estado de Colorado.

Harsh Chauhan


Como director de tecnología (CTO) de Alert Enterprise, Harsh Chauhan es responsable de la innovación tecnológica en ingeniería y de la entrega de soluciones de la empresa. Veterano y líder tecnológico con 20 años de experiencia, Chauhan se centra en el crecimiento de la plataforma en la nube a hiperescala 3D Governance Risk Compliance (GRC) de la empresa.

También sigue desarrollando soluciones integradas con socios tecnológicos líderes como SAP, SAP NS2 y ServiceNow. Antes de Alert Enterprise, el Sr. Chauhan ocupó varios puestos de CTO, así como de Product Owner y jefe de desarrollo en SAP GRC 10.0, ofreciendo soluciones específicas a clientes SAP de alto perfil.

Ruby Deol


Ruby Deol supervisa todas las unidades de negocio de Alert Enterprise. Con más de 20 años de experiencia en ventas globales y servicios de soporte, Deol cultiva las relaciones con los clientes existentes con un enfoque centrado en el cliente. Conforme Alert Enterprise continúa creciendo en reconocimiento y estatura en la industria, Deol se ocupa de desarrollar e implementar métodos para alcanzar los objetivos de la organización y facilitar la transformación continua de la empresa.

Kaval Kaur

CFO y cofundadora

Como directora financiera (CFO) y cofundadora de Alert Enterprise, Kaval Kaur dirige todas las operaciones financieras y administrativas de back-office. Kaur es miembro de la organización profesional nacional American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) y de la California State CPA Society.

Antes de incorporarse a Alert Enterprise, fue directora financiera y cofundadora de Virsa Systems, cargo que ocupó hasta su adquisición por SAP.

Kaur es una filántropa apasionada, que abraza la diversidad de la zona de la bahía de San Francisco ayudando y promoviendo actos culturales especiales. Recientemente, ha patrocinado 2000 escuelas públicas en la India rural para impulsar la alfabetización informática de los niños y es madre adoptiva de un niño de 10 años.

Jasvir Gill

Fundador y CEO

Al frente de la transformación digital y la convergencia de la seguridad está Jasvir Gill, fundador y CEO de Alert Enterprise, Inc. Como consumado ingeniero de profesión, Gill está impulsando la transformación digital del sector de la seguridad física, pendiente desde hace tiempo.

Antes de lanzar Alert Enterprise, Gill fue fundador y CEO de Virsa Systems, donde hizo crecer la empresa hasta convertirla en líder mundial de software de seguridad de aplicaciones. Uno de los pioneros en establecer la gobernanza, el riesgo y el cumplimiento como un segmento del mercado del software, impulsó un crecimiento exponencial en Virsa, facilitando su adquisición por SAP en 2006.

En su tiempo libre, Jasvir ayuda a impulsar el empoderamiento social y económico de la comunidad. También es patrono de la Fundación Americana de la India.