Why an HR-PACS Integration Alone is Not Enough

Many companies build a custom integration between their HR and PACS system to help employee processes like onboarding, off-boarding, and role changes. However, this results in manual and time-consuming processes to manage credentials and produce compliance/audit documents. Furthermore, they lack comprehensive governance, risk management, and 360-degree security view across the enterprise.

Alert Enterprise stands as the forerunner in converged security, risk management and total workforce experience and safety. The Guardian platform addresses your business’s most compelling initiatives, transforming security from a daunting challenge into a seamless, automated, and business-enabling process.

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Solution for the total workforce

Your total workforce consists of employees, contractors, and visitors. In most companies, the three personas are managed in different systems, making it hard to govern corporate access with a unified process. In a world of accelerating digital transformation and hybrid workforce models, the need for an all-encompassing total workforce security platform is more crucial than ever before .Alert Enterprise Guardian provides full governance and control across employees, contractors, and visitors.

<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">Common issues with HR-PACS integrations

  • Manage credentials
  • Produce compliance and audit documents
  • Governance
  • Risk management
  • 360-degree security view across the enterprise

Optimize workforce experience and productivity.

With Guardian, workforce experience and productivity are significantly enhanced. By providing intuitive self-service capabilities, we enable your employees to focus on what truly matters – your core business – by safeguarding your processes from insider threats and complex cyberphysical attacks, while delivering automated onboarding, off-boarding experiences from recruit-to-retire.

$70-$90 million in potential cost savings identified by a Fortune 500 company in North American contractor management with Alert Enterprise.

Secure your company across HR, IT, OT, and physical systems.

As the only SaaS provider to connect physical security, IT, OT and HR systems, we can help you empower your workforce and unlock new levels of business with a zero-trust, cyber-physical platform for identity, access governance and security. P.S. No coding required.

Multiple PACS? No problem.

Multiple PACS doesn’t have to mean multiple badges. Unify to one badge or mobile credential with Alert Enterprise Guardian.

Are you saddled with a mix of legacy Physical Access Control Systems (PACS) as your company has expanded and grown through mergers and acquisitions — and you’re challenged with figuring out how to integrate various PACS across geographical locations? Turn that challenge into an amazing opportunity to enhance your security posture and get a seat at the table with critical decision makers. 

Rather than focus on PACS consolidation consider the ways the process can become a true business enabler —with data and information that streamlines security while lowering overall support costs. Investing in the Alert Enterprise PIAM solution prior to approaching PACS consolidation turns security into a true business enabler, delivering streamlined security administration, improved compliance and policy enforcement. Reduce risk and save money by avoiding costly hardware upgrades!

Key features & benefits

Say NO to custom integrations

With over 250 connectors available, we fit into how you already do business. Get up and running in no time. Our team tests and certifies all updates, and our powerful integration framework ensures the availability of new connectors in 2-4 weeks.

Our customers are witnessing a financial revolution, saving hundreds of millions of a trade-off for profitability. Alert Enterprise ensures that your staff and assets are secure, letting you focus on growth.

Alert Enterprise Guardian delivers a clear view of what’s happening across an enterprise, providing context and awareness of correlated events, and empowering SOC personnel to make informed decisions and respond appropriately. Featuring patented intelligence technology, the system delivers behavioral trends, AI-driven alarm mitigation, and powerful dashboards which enable SOC personnel to prevent, detect and mitigate threats. Best of all, we leverage generative AI to deliver an intuitive conversational interface to access data and policies.

With the flood of new government regulations, it is estimated that less than 30% of companies will meet federal compliance requirements. Alert Enterprise provides out-of-the-box Industry Content Packs which feature industry-specific security best practices, best practices processes, policies, reporting, and regulatory content to assist with automation of compliance requirements, as well as role definitions and workflow. Alert Enterprise Guardian also provides a configurable workflow and rules engine to enforce policies and ensure compliance across all global sites.

Identities Managed
1000000 +
Entitlements Managed
500000 +
Lobbies Secured
10000 +

Accelerate digital transformation securely.

The power of Alert Enterprise doesn’t stop there. Alert Enterprise also provides support for mobile credentials in your NFC Wallet, fully integrated Asset Management, and a powerful Visitor Identity Management Solution with self-service Kiosks. Alert Enterprise is not just a security solution; it’s a business enabler. Our platform acts as a catalyst for your company’s digital transformation journey, fortifying it from possible risks and threats. We don’t just secure your business; we make it ready for the future.

An HR-PACS integration is not enough.

With Alert Enterprise, the traditional silos that separate your cyber, IT, HR, physical security and operational technology departments become a thing of the past. We pave the way for business-changing collaboration, visibility, and efficiencies, ensuring a unified approach to your company’s security and operational demands.

Proven and trusted by Global Fortune 500 companies.

Trust is earned, and Alert Enterprise has earned it in abundance. Managing over 10 million identities and 1 million entitlements, with 20,000 lobbies secured, we’ve become the preferred security partner for global Fortune 500 companies across all industries.

David Cassady

Director de estrategia

David Cassady lleva más de 30 años vendiendo y dirigiendo equipos en Silicon Valley. Durante ese tiempo, ha dirigido una mezcla de empresas de software ya establecidas y startups. Cassady también ha participado en cinco OPIs, y al menos en otras tantas adquisiciones. 

Como director de estrategia, David aprovecha su amplia experiencia ayudando a las empresas de software a impulsar el crecimiento a través de profundas e impactantes asociaciones con los proveedores de SaaS más exitosos del mundo, como ServiceNow, Microsoft y SAP. 

Mark Weatherford

Director de seguridad
Vicepresidente sénior, Regulated Industries

Mark Weatherford aporta a Alert Enterprise años de experiencia en el ámbito de la ciberfísica de alto nivel y, como director de seguridad (CSO), dirige la estrategia de gestión y protección de datos, asesorando las políticas y procedimientos de seguridad ciberfísica dentro de la empresa. Weatherford también trabaja en colaboración con empresas y profesionales ejecutivos de los sectores de la ciberseguridad y la seguridad física para acelerar aún más la adopción de la convergencia de la seguridad.

Mark ha ocupado numerosos cargos de alto nivel centrados en la ciberseguridad, entre los que se incluyen el de vicepresidente y director de seguridad de la Corporación Norteamericana de Fiabilidad Eléctrica (NERC), el de primer subsecretario adjunto de ciberseguridad del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional bajo la administración Obama, el de primer director de seguridad de California y el de primer CISO del estado de Colorado.

Harsh Chauhan


Como director de tecnología (CTO) de Alert Enterprise, Harsh Chauhan es responsable de la innovación tecnológica en ingeniería y de la entrega de soluciones de la empresa. Veterano y líder tecnológico con 20 años de experiencia, Chauhan se centra en el crecimiento de la plataforma en la nube a hiperescala 3D Governance Risk Compliance (GRC) de la empresa.

También sigue desarrollando soluciones integradas con socios tecnológicos líderes como SAP, SAP NS2 y ServiceNow. Antes de Alert Enterprise, el Sr. Chauhan ocupó varios puestos de CTO, así como de Product Owner y jefe de desarrollo en SAP GRC 10.0, ofreciendo soluciones específicas a clientes SAP de alto perfil.

Ruby Deol


Ruby Deol supervisa todas las unidades de negocio de Alert Enterprise. Con más de 20 años de experiencia en ventas globales y servicios de soporte, Deol cultiva las relaciones con los clientes existentes con un enfoque centrado en el cliente. Conforme Alert Enterprise continúa creciendo en reconocimiento y estatura en la industria, Deol se ocupa de desarrollar e implementar métodos para alcanzar los objetivos de la organización y facilitar la transformación continua de la empresa.

Kaval Kaur

CFO y cofundadora

Como directora financiera (CFO) y cofundadora de Alert Enterprise, Kaval Kaur dirige todas las operaciones financieras y administrativas de back-office. Kaur es miembro de la organización profesional nacional American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) y de la California State CPA Society.

Antes de incorporarse a Alert Enterprise, fue directora financiera y cofundadora de Virsa Systems, cargo que ocupó hasta su adquisición por SAP.

Kaur es una filántropa apasionada, que abraza la diversidad de la zona de la bahía de San Francisco ayudando y promoviendo actos culturales especiales. Recientemente, ha patrocinado 2000 escuelas públicas en la India rural para impulsar la alfabetización informática de los niños y es madre adoptiva de un niño de 10 años.

Jasvir Gill

Fundador y CEO

Al frente de la transformación digital y la convergencia de la seguridad está Jasvir Gill, fundador y CEO de Alert Enterprise, Inc. Como consumado ingeniero de profesión, Gill está impulsando la transformación digital del sector de la seguridad física, pendiente desde hace tiempo.

Antes de lanzar Alert Enterprise, Gill fue fundador y CEO de Virsa Systems, donde hizo crecer la empresa hasta convertirla en líder mundial de software de seguridad de aplicaciones. Uno de los pioneros en establecer la gobernanza, el riesgo y el cumplimiento como un segmento del mercado del software, impulsó un crecimiento exponencial en Virsa, facilitando su adquisición por SAP en 2006.

En su tiempo libre, Jasvir ayuda a impulsar el empoderamiento social y económico de la comunidad. También es patrono de la Fundación Americana de la India.