Smart visitor management designed for corporate security.

Create a streamlined, secure and seamless guest access experience for visitors, contractors and traveling employees, fully integrated across physical security and IT workplace services. Bonus: No coding required.

VIM software that moves business.

Help visitors use the technology they already have to check in to your facility for a smarter, safer visitor experience. Where will you see the results across your enterprise with our visitor management solution?

Always on: Safety, security and compliance.

Check every box with measures like ID verification, enforced escort check-in policies, NDA management, training validation, configurable branding and corporate messaging, health and safety policies, and local watchlist, federal criminal history checks and workflow approvals.

Configurability: Drag, drop, done.

Experience the simplicity of our drag-and-drop configuration and one-click operation. Our low-to-no-code platform allows you to configure and scale it across various hosting environments.

PropTech Enhanced: Smart multi-tenant solutions.

Innovate with our multi-tenant capabilities designed for modern, connected workplaces. Our platform not only streamlines operations but also evolves with your property’s technological landscape.

Different personas and out-of-the-box use cases.

  • Invite visitors and ensure they’re pre-registered in the system before their arrival.
  • Oversee and make adjustments to current visit schedules and details.
  • Register visitors individually or in bulk, depending on the number of expected visitors.
  • Coordinate visits with Outlook meeting schedules to ensure proper timing and organization.
  • Get notified with the visitor’s details through email, SMS, or phone call.
  • Keep an updated watch list of individuals who are restricted or flagged for special attention.
  • Create and manage templates for NDAs and standard emails sent to visitors and hosts.
  • Approve processes and requests within the visitor management system.
  • Streamline the printing and distribution of badges for contractors.
  • Manage requests for onboarding contractors, ensuring necessary procedures are completed.
  • Notify relevant parties of guest arrivals and monitor their check-in and check-out processes.
  • Ensure visits comply with all necessary regulations and are properly documented.
  • Complete required steps after receiving an invitation to visit.
  • Use a QR code to check in upon arrival.
  • Optionally, check in at a kiosk or with a security guard.
  • Sign required NDAs.
  • Gain automatic issuance of access and WiFi credentials.
  • Look up information on hosts and visitors as needed.
  • Handle the registration and check-in/check-out process for visitors.
  • Issue temporary badges to employees and visitors as required.
  • Ensure NDAs are signed and photos are captured for identification purposes.
  • Print stickers and issue badges to visitors and employees.
  • Maintain and report on the status of checked-in cardholders and visitors.

Ways to welcome them in — securely.

NFC Wallet access for visitors

Want to provide your visitors with a frictionless experience, but with the same level of security and governance you have for your workforce? 

Do it all with Alert Enterprise NFC Wallet Mobile Credentials. Open doors to:

  • Corporate places and spaces
  • Secure printing
  • Logical access
  • POS systems
  • Electronic lockers
  • Vending machines
  • Payments

Say goodbye to long waits at check-in and expensive kiosks. Visitors simply scan a QR code at the reception desk and use their phones to complete the registration and check-in process. And yes, picture capture and NDA signature can all be done on their phone, too.

Supports facial recognition, QR codes and ID scanning, and compatible with iOS and Windows. Whether you want a wall-mounted collar, floor-standing podium, or a tabletop option, we’ve got you covered.

Yes, you have cloud hosting options.

Since no two customers are the same, our platform hosting is agnostic. You can leverage native SaaS with a global SLA 24/7 hosted in the US or the EU, or self-host in your own cloud with all the leading providers or on-premise; deploy according to your needs and controls. SaaS or not, we’ve got you covered with a global services team for end-to-end delivery — from discovery to GoLive — along with a world-class support team that provides a 24/7 SLA globally.

Administration: Simplified.

Host self-service portal
  • Pre-register guests
  • Manage existing visitors and visits
  • Set up other hosts or escorts for the visit
  • Enjoy mobile view for easy management
  • View expected, checked-in/out visitors
  • Auto highlight and notify overstayed visitors
  • Send emergency notification
  • Experience easy QR code/license scanning for record lookup
  • Issue sticker or technology badges
  • Choose from visitors, contractors, or temp workers
  • Create, view and manage access
  • Grant parking garage/perimeter gate access using a QR code
  • Enjoy intuitive dashboard and reporting
  • Email integration with Outlook
  • Workflow integration with ServiceNow
  • Badging Office – Outlook-style Inbox
  • Provide job-based access
  • Photo capture/edit
  • Add training/prerequisite check
  • Automate card issuance and printing
  • Access visitor check-in/out history by location
  • View visitor trends dashboard
  • Access checked-in visitor information
  • Use dynamic filters
  • Reception and security teams can issue temporary cards to employees
  • Activate emergency notifications to all checked-in visitors
Ready to learn more? Click below for instant access to our exclusive webinar.

Support a safer healthcare experience.

Our enterprise visitor management solution integrates with Epic so that hospitals and other healthcare facilities can create the safest visitor experience possible without overburdening staff.

You already have the infrastructure for this.

Our visitor management solution connects with leading PACS, HR, and IT systems, including SAP, ServiceNow and more, so you can use your existing systems to transform the guest experience.

I also want to ...

Provision access for everyone (not just visitors).

Pay a visit to visitor management resources.

Visitor Identity Management Data Sheet

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Leveraging Alert Enterprise Visitor Management to Meet CTPAT Physical Access Control Requirements

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What is Visitor Identity Management?

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Ready for visitor management?
Be our guest.

With our online Solution Builder, stronger security (and safer welcomes) are just a few questions away.

David Cassady

Director de estrategia

David Cassady lleva más de 30 años vendiendo y dirigiendo equipos en Silicon Valley. Durante ese tiempo, ha dirigido una mezcla de empresas de software ya establecidas y startups. Cassady también ha participado en cinco OPIs, y al menos en otras tantas adquisiciones. 

Como director de estrategia, David aprovecha su amplia experiencia ayudando a las empresas de software a impulsar el crecimiento a través de profundas e impactantes asociaciones con los proveedores de SaaS más exitosos del mundo, como ServiceNow, Microsoft y SAP. 

Mark Weatherford

Director de seguridad
Vicepresidente sénior, Regulated Industries

Mark Weatherford aporta a Alert Enterprise años de experiencia en el ámbito de la ciberfísica de alto nivel y, como director de seguridad (CSO), dirige la estrategia de gestión y protección de datos, asesorando las políticas y procedimientos de seguridad ciberfísica dentro de la empresa. Weatherford también trabaja en colaboración con empresas y profesionales ejecutivos de los sectores de la ciberseguridad y la seguridad física para acelerar aún más la adopción de la convergencia de la seguridad.

Mark ha ocupado numerosos cargos de alto nivel centrados en la ciberseguridad, entre los que se incluyen el de vicepresidente y director de seguridad de la Corporación Norteamericana de Fiabilidad Eléctrica (NERC), el de primer subsecretario adjunto de ciberseguridad del Departamento de Seguridad Nacional bajo la administración Obama, el de primer director de seguridad de California y el de primer CISO del estado de Colorado.

Harsh Chauhan


Como director de tecnología (CTO) de Alert Enterprise, Harsh Chauhan es responsable de la innovación tecnológica en ingeniería y de la entrega de soluciones de la empresa. Veterano y líder tecnológico con 20 años de experiencia, Chauhan se centra en el crecimiento de la plataforma en la nube a hiperescala 3D Governance Risk Compliance (GRC) de la empresa.

También sigue desarrollando soluciones integradas con socios tecnológicos líderes como SAP, SAP NS2 y ServiceNow. Antes de Alert Enterprise, el Sr. Chauhan ocupó varios puestos de CTO, así como de Product Owner y jefe de desarrollo en SAP GRC 10.0, ofreciendo soluciones específicas a clientes SAP de alto perfil.

Ruby Deol


Ruby Deol supervisa todas las unidades de negocio de Alert Enterprise. Con más de 20 años de experiencia en ventas globales y servicios de soporte, Deol cultiva las relaciones con los clientes existentes con un enfoque centrado en el cliente. Conforme Alert Enterprise continúa creciendo en reconocimiento y estatura en la industria, Deol se ocupa de desarrollar e implementar métodos para alcanzar los objetivos de la organización y facilitar la transformación continua de la empresa.

Kaval Kaur

CFO y cofundadora

Como directora financiera (CFO) y cofundadora de Alert Enterprise, Kaval Kaur dirige todas las operaciones financieras y administrativas de back-office. Kaur es miembro de la organización profesional nacional American Institute of Certified Public Accountants (AICPA) y de la California State CPA Society.

Antes de incorporarse a Alert Enterprise, fue directora financiera y cofundadora de Virsa Systems, cargo que ocupó hasta su adquisición por SAP.

Kaur es una filántropa apasionada, que abraza la diversidad de la zona de la bahía de San Francisco ayudando y promoviendo actos culturales especiales. Recientemente, ha patrocinado 2000 escuelas públicas en la India rural para impulsar la alfabetización informática de los niños y es madre adoptiva de un niño de 10 años.

Jasvir Gill

Fundador y CEO

Al frente de la transformación digital y la convergencia de la seguridad está Jasvir Gill, fundador y CEO de Alert Enterprise, Inc. Como consumado ingeniero de profesión, Gill está impulsando la transformación digital del sector de la seguridad física, pendiente desde hace tiempo.

Antes de lanzar Alert Enterprise, Gill fue fundador y CEO de Virsa Systems, donde hizo crecer la empresa hasta convertirla en líder mundial de software de seguridad de aplicaciones. Uno de los pioneros en establecer la gobernanza, el riesgo y el cumplimiento como un segmento del mercado del software, impulsó un crecimiento exponencial en Virsa, facilitando su adquisición por SAP en 2006.

En su tiempo libre, Jasvir ayuda a impulsar el empoderamiento social y económico de la comunidad. También es patrono de la Fundación Americana de la India.